The Soul Forge

The Soul Forge is our process of art creation for the Soul Quanta: Forged Collection.

How Does It Work?

1. Participants fill out a form that is centered around a specific theme:

  • All forms will be anonymous and may either be NFT gated or public

  • All forms will be vetted to ensure no licensed or copyrighted material was submitted

  • All forms will be vetted to ensure family friendliness as metadata will be public

2. Form reaches the required number of participants:

  • Any artist on the Roster may choose to be part of the creation process of that finished form

  • Each form will be used to create up to seven different artworks each by a different artist

  • Over time there will be a total of 111 forms created for this process

3. Art creation process starts:

  • The artist creates what they feel best represents the form as a whole

  • The piece must be newly conceived/original and not include any copyrighted content

4. Art is completed:

  • All 1/1 pieces created through the Soul Forge will be reserve auctioned

  • The metadata will include the vetted responses from the associated form

  • The artist may add extra detail that won’t be in the Echoes version

  • Other pieces of data might be added depending on the theme of the form, e.g. current ocean and air pollution statistics if the form was themed around the environment